Why choose CREAM Offices?
In a world that is becoming more hybrid and flexible every day, the demand for office space is constantly evolving.
More and more organizations are rethinking how they use their office and looking for new ways to get rid of unused space. Currently, 14% of employees permanently work remotely, and another 20% are both remotely and stationary*. This means that the demand for office space is changing.
* According to the report "Expectations, needs and attitudes of employers regarding remote work" prepared for the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers.
How can we help?
- Subletting of space (finding a subtenant, carrying out the process, required re-arrangement of office space)
- Modernization of office space - adaptation to the requirements of hybrid work
- The process of renegotiating the existing lease agreement - in the case of the expiring lease period, renegotiating the terms of its extension
- The process of relocation to a new headquarters - a multi-level process of selecting the location, arranging and carrying out finishing works in the event of a decision to change the location of the office
Scope of services
CREAM OFFICES intends to provide you with a COMPLETE SERVICE carried out based on established requirements, as well as covering all aspects of the process - location, financial, legal, technical, timely, and qualitative:
Tenant representation
Strategic advice on renegotiation and selection of a new headquarters
Cost optimization
Analysis of the costs of the real estate service fee, analysis of costs in terms of energy efficiency of the lease area, building
Technical support
Own team of experts to analyze the costs and quality of fit-out or modernization works, own technical team to supervise fit-out works (Project Management), and own team to support removal of defects after acceptance of the space
We will provide you with consultancy in the field of interior design through our internal design department.
We operate comprehensively
A dedicated team focused on a specific project
Individual approach
Own law firm in the group - option
Experience and foresight
Incorporate standards
technical team*
Technical team
- Price negotiations of arrangement costs
- Evaluation of the service charge in the Lease Agreement
- Supervision of the Lessor's works
- Collecting the space from the Lessor
- Control over the troubleshooting process
Advantages and disadvantages
Relocation or renegotiations?
- Development of the most optimal solution in terms of location, area, and costs
- Possibility of implementing a new work model and adapting the office to the needs of the organization
- The flexible approach of landlords regarding the enlargement/reduction of space
- Contract for 5-7 years
- In the case of non-standard expectations, arrangement costs on the client's side
- Employee expectations regarding the location
- Generating savings of up to 20% on the scale of the contract
- Lowering the rent rate for the current lease period
- Possibility of re-arranging the space and separating zones for sublease
- Less flexibility in increasing or decreasing the size of office space
- Less financial flexibility for landlords
- Arrangement limitations of the current space vs. redevelopment costs
Dlaczego warto pomyśleć o nowym biurze?
Zmiany na rynku
- Szybko zmieniający się rynek
- Relatywnie niewielka podaż w 2020
- Wiele nowych inwestycji na przełomie 2020/21
- Szybko wynajmująca się powierzchnia w nowych inwestycjach
- Najbliższe kwartały to najlepszy okres na zmianę siedziby
- Korzystne warunki najmu dla Najemców z umowami typu pre-lease
- Szansa uwzględnienia założeń Najemcy w projekcie budynku na etapie budowy
- Silna pozycja negocjacyjna
*najem powierzchni biurowej przed oddaniem budynku do użytkowania
Nowa aranżacja
- Elastyczne możliwości wykorzystania nakładów na aranżacje
- Nowoczesne biuro motywuje pracownika i wyróżnia pracodawcę
- Reorganizacja środowiska pracy dostosowana do aktualnych potrzeb Najemcy
Nowe trendy
- Energooszczędne biurowce z certyfikacją ekologiczną
- Ergonomia i efektywność powierzchni nowoczesnych biurowców
- Wysoka dysproporcjastawek czynszowych pomiędzy danymi dzielnicami Warszawy
They trust us
Selected clients
Trends in 2023
Warsaw office market
6.27 mln sqm
Existing office space
237 000 sqm
New office space in 2022
371 000 sqm
Office buildings under construction (Q4 2022)
Average vacancy rate
20 EUR/sqm/month
Average base rent value